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The Ace Centre logo
Look2Talk logo at the top. Below is a communication easel with a Look2Talk chart. In the middle is a guidebook. On the right is boardmaker with the templates open.

Look2Talk is the award-winning guide for carers, parents and professionals who need to make and use a communication book for people who communicate using their eyes.

When speech can not be understood, and using hands or fingers to point is difficult, eye pointing to symbols or text can be a fast and effective way of communicating a wide range of messages. The Look2Talk guide is a step-by-step system that introduces symbols at a speed that suits both the learner and their communication partner(s). It emphasises the importance of learning together in fun, relaxed activities where the learner can take control.

Look2Talk Package

Look2Talk guidebook is the main element of a complete package containing several elements which include:

  • GuidebookFree online eBook or download as PDF
  • Demonstration Pages: Free to view electronically or download and print
  • Templates: Free to download as Boardmaker7 or InPrint 3 (coming soon) file
  • Communication Easel: A4 and A3 options available from Ability World
  • Training: Introductory and Developing levels from Ace Centre Learning 

    Click here to view the Look2Talk Training Courses

Look2Talk Guidebook

The original Look2Talk guide was based upon experience gained from the Look2Talk Project, a two year project run by Ace Centre to support and learn from six children and their families who either used or were learning to use their eyes to access symbol communication. The guide was awarded the Sternberg Award for Clinical Innovation in 2008.

This edition of the Look2Talk guide has been fully revised and updated, drawing upon the clinical experience of the full Ace Centre team.

Available as a free online eBook, which can also be printed as a PDF, and supported by video tutorials and real-life example clips throughout. The guidebook covers all of the essential questions that need to be answered when creating an eye pointing communication book, such as:

  • What vocabulary do I put in the book?
  • How many pictures or symbols do I use on a page?
  • Where and when do I start to use the book?
  • How do I develop the book over time?

Look2Talk Guidebook complements Ace Centre's popular Developing and Using a Communication Book manual for people who can finger-point, and both books have similar key concepts:

  • A stable core vocabulary, that is always available and develops through five stages. The suggested core vocabulary, ranging from two symbols at Stage One to forty-one symbols at Stage Five, is drawn from a developmental model of spoken language acquisition, but does not stick rigidly to it.
  • Guidance on choosing personalised topic vocabulary designed to meet an individual's interests, needs and varied environments.
  • An emphasis on the role of the communication partner who is shown, throughout the process, how to use and model the symbols during communication and to support and scaffold the learner's own communication attempts.

We know of no other resource that provides such specific and comprehensive guidance to help this small but important group of people who struggle to communicate.

Look2Talk Demonstration Pages

The Look2Talk Demonstration Pages contains example communication book pages that aim to bring to life the practices and principles described in the Look2Talk guide. It is designed to be used alongside the guide which provides detailed information about each stage, ideas around readiness, and aims for both the communication partner and the learner.

Interactive versions are available to view online or to view and use in PowerPoint. There is also a printable PDF option if you wish to assemble an example communication book.

Look2Talk Communication Book Templates

Free downloadable files for creating, personalising and printing pages for an eye pointing communication book.

Compatible with Boardmaker 7 to access Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) and InPrint 3 for Widgit symbols.

Please note: these files download as a .zip files. Please extract the individual template files before opening in your symbol software.

Look2Talk Communication Easel

An eye pointing communication book is best viewed by the communication book user and their partner when it is displayed on an easel file. As the book can get quite big (and heavy!) it is best that a sturdy easel file is used. We recommend the Communication Easel by Ability World which is available in an A4 as well as A3 version should larger pages be needed.

Click here to view the Ability World A4 Communication Easel

Click here to view the Ability World A3 Communication Easel

Look2Talk Introductory Stage Symbols

Download and print loose “more” and “stop” symbols to use while helping the learner to understand that they can use their eyes to communicate.


Free online eBook or download as PDF

Demo Pages

Example of communication book pages

Download interactive Demo PagesDownload printable Demo Pages


Free downloadable files for creating, personalising and printing pages


Ace Centre Learning offers two levels of courses


Download and print loose “more” and “stop” symbols