AAC Based Scientific Calculator
Simple scientific calculator.
For many students we often recommend using software such as Splash Maths or ArithmeType etc for specialist accessible maths programs. However for some students they simply need access to a scientific calculator. For this there are solutions such as https://www.desmos.com which provide a full range of accessible online maths software. However they still take up screen-space and are not always fully keyboard accessible.
This version from Ace Centre, inspired by collaboration with students we work with and Candle (http://candleaac.com) is smaller and can be operated entirely with shortcuts. It can also run offline. An online version is available in the Grid 3 within their grids online (https://grids.thinksmartbox.com/en/will-wade/4ff14885-e136-4dfe-a687-a5a0277e5873) – but for an offline version use our installer here: ScientificCalculator-Setup.exe
To use, install the software, then install the gridset which you will find on your desktop. There will be a shortcut to the webpage which is then installed on your PC if you want to use that with anything else.
More info:
asic Math
2 + 2 = 4
1/2 × 20 = 10
√16 = 4
π × 2 = 6.283185307
Scientific Functions
sin(45) = 0.7071067812
log(100) = 2
√(π) = 1.7724538509
Random Numbers
rand() = 0.7324846372 # Random number between 0-1
floor(rand() * 6) + 1 = 4 # Roll a die (1-6)
floor(rand() * 100) + 1 = 42 # Random number 1-100
Algebraic Expressions
x^2 + 2x + 1 # Quadratic expression
2x + 2y # Linear expression with variables
Memory Operations
- Store current result: Ctrl/⌘ + P (M+)
- Subtract from memory: Ctrl/⌘ + M (M-)
- Recall memory: Ctrl/⌘ + R (MR)
Line References with @
Maybe slightly easier that using M+,M- etc you can reference previous results using the @ symbol followed by the line number. Each line in the history is numbered for easy reference.
- 10 + 5 = 15
- 20 + 12.5 = 32.5
- @2−@1 → (32.5)−(15) = 17.5
- @1 references the result from line 1
- 1000 – @3 subtracts line 3’s result from 1000
- @2 * @1 multiplies results from lines 2 and 1
- floor(@1 * 6) uses line 1’s result in a function
The calculator will show both your expression with @ references and the expanded calculation with actual values.
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Enter or = – Evaluate expression
- Escape – Clear workpad
- ↑ – Previous expression
- ↓ – Next expression
- Alt/⌘ + D – Toggle Degrees/Radians
- Ctrl + (0-9) – Set decimal places
- Brackets are automatically completed as you type
- History is scrollable and expressions can be recalled
- Click the DP button or use Ctrl + number to set decimal places
- Toggle between degrees/radians for trigonometry
- Unicode symbols can be typed directly or using text equivalents