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The Ace Centre logo
cover photo of client and clinician using AAC

About us

We’re dedicated to supporting people with complex communications difficulties

Ace Centre is a registered charity (No. 1089313) providing Assistive Technology and Augmentative and Alternative Communication services for people with complex needs. We offer assessment, training and information services across England, with a focus on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT), delivered by our multi-disciplinary team of specialist teachers, occupational therapists, speech & language therapists with the support of technical and administrative staff.

We believe everyone should be given the opportunity and the tools they need to fulfil their potential; we therefore lobby for change in statutory policy as well as working directly with people who need our support.

"The help Ace Centre gave me throughout my education kept me motivated and enabled me to get into the place I most wanted to study, Imperial College London."


Physics Student

Our vision

A society where everyone is given the support they need to communicate, be understood and fulfil their potential.

Our mission

We provide support, advice, technology and training to enable people with complex communication needs to express themselves and meet their full potential.

Your outcome

Feeling secure and confident about getting appropriate communication support and advice when needed, knowing your abilities and experience are valued.

We believe in Equality. Everyone has the right to communicate.

We believe in Teamwork. Working to find the best solution.

We believe in The Individual. The individual is at the centre of our services.

We believe in Independence. We provide an independent and unbiased service.

We believe in Compassion. We treat people with care, empathy and understanding.

Our funding

As a charity, Ace Centre is always concerned to maintain income through multiple sources including commissions, grants and donations. A contract with NHS England funds the delivery of specialised AAC services across the North West and Thames Valley and Wessex NHS regions. Direct work with people who fall outside of the NHS contract criteria, as well as other services such as research and development, training, and advocacy, depend on voluntary contributions.


Patrick's story

Patrick is fun-loving, football crazy and at age 10 has already developed a strong social conscience setting up a litter picking club at his primary school.  His mantra for life is:  ‘If it is to be, it’s up to me’. Determined to pass his Year 6 exams, he needed to communicate effectively at school.

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An image of: Patrick's story


Patrick's story

Patrick is fun-loving, football crazy and at age 10 has already developed a strong social conscience setting up a litter picking club at his primary school.  His mantra for life is:  ‘If it is to be, it’s up to me’. Determined to pass his Year 6 exams, he needed to communicate effectively at school.

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A group photo of Ace Centre staff

Our team

A multi-disciplinary team of specialist teachers, occupational therapists, speech & language therapists with the support of technical and administrative staff.

A collage of head shots of trustees

Our Trustees

A passionate team helping to steer and oversee the Ace Centre direction.