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Resources Spotlight


For AAC Awareness Month 2023 we thought we would highlight our most popular resources you may not know about or haven’t visited for some time … as we are always adding more and updating those that have been around for a while!

They have all been developed by our team of AAC Consultants who pull on their experience and knowledge of supporting AAC users and their communication partners. We hope you find them helpful or can pass them on to someone who will.

Information Leaflets

Handy short publications that introduce topics and provide signposts to learn more. Download and print or send a link to someone new to AAC. Click on the links below to go straight to the download pages.


Readymade Paper-based Resources

A sizable bank of free downloadable symbol and alphabet charts providing various layouts and topic.  Be on the lookout for the ‘customise’ banner which indicates resources that offer options for personalisation before you download them. Click on the links below to explore them.


Getting Started eBooks

This series of free eBooks is the perfect place to start if you are new to making and/or supporting someone using paper-based resources or want to dive deeper into a specific topic. There is a wide range from symbol to alphabet resources using direct or alternative access methods.

Click here to access them all


Readiness and Planning

There are several resources that support professionals, carers and families in making decisions around AAC. From supports when having a discussion around feeling ready for AAC to vocabulary that is needed when personalising a system. Click on the links below to learn more.


Click here to browse our full library of Resources.