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Understanding the Features of Electronic Text Based AAC


There are a huge array of apps available on app stores and a wide range of solutions from commercial suppliers to help you communicate when you are literate and want to ‘type out a message’.

We’re often asked which resource is “best” but there is nothing that’s “best” for everyone!
Instead, to help you find the right solution for you, it’s worthwhile to think about what features these AAC resources have and think about what features you need.

To help with this we’ve compiled a set of videos (below) with information about the features to look for in text-based AAC resources.  You might want to use the checklist form to jot down the features you think you’ll need & then you can use the comparison chart form to help you keep track when you’re looking at a few AAC resources.


Note: Please note that we are only looking at the features of electronic AAC resources for when you can type with your hands/fingers and spell. If you find typing difficult or need a solution which uses pictures (symbols) then please consult your specialist AAC service for advice.






Links to each video chapter:

  1. Understanding the features of electronic text based AAC: Introduction
  2. Appearance
  3. Keyboard Layout
  4. Word Prediction
  5. Sentence Prediction
  6. Letter Codes/Abbreviation Expansions
  7. Phrase banking
  8. Voice Options
  9. Conversation Control
  10. Integrated Controls
  11. Summary & Next Steps