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The Pragmatics Profile for People who use AAC

The original Pragmatics Profile of Everyday Communication Skills in Children was written by Hazel Dewart and Susie Summers. This revised version has been created with the permission of NFER – Nelson. This Profile should be used with individuals who have used AAC in the past, are currently using AAC, or where you feel that an individual is using informal modes of AAC and you wish to introduce more formal methods.

This resource is free to download. There is one version which can be used in two ways:

  1. Print & Fill  – download, print and fill in by hand
  2. Auto Entry –  download and fill in electronically with Microsoft Word

To cite this work:
Martin, S., Small, K., and Stevens, R. 2024. The Pragmatics Profile for People who use AAC  – Second Edition (First Published 26 Sep 2017). Available at: