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Our research and development projects enhance achievement and good practice in the field

or call our advice line on 0800 080 3115

Ace Centre works with companies, universities and other charities

  • Investigate health and education issues for children and adults with complex disabilities
  • Support companies to trial new products and develop progressive technology
  • Find solutions for an individual or a sector

Research and development projects enhance achievement and good practice in the field; directly, through the development of AT & AAC, and indirectly through awareness raising, skills building and informing government policy. Service-users with communication disabilities are involved throughout.

We focus on projects with a marked or lasting impact; previously we have developed new products (e.g. AccessMaths software) or new services.

We are enthusiastic about supporting organisations that share our vision. If you wish to carry out a research or development project in our field we would love to hear from you.

"As having direct involvement with a large number of individuals with complex disabilities Ace Centre is uniquely positioned to identify research and development gaps and understand the need and how technology can and should support people in the real world"

Will Wade

Senior AAC Consultant