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Make your own Biscuit Christmas Tree

Find here a Powerpoint that will show you how to make your own Christmas Biscuit Tree. Follow the instructions from Jen. If you need to support to bake then you might prefer to direct other bakers! To do this we have identified some keywords for you to use in your AAC resource. If you are getting started with your AAC then we suggest that your communication partner models the words to you. See here for some ideas on how to do this.

(A note for communication partners: Canā€™t find the right symbols for the words? Find an alternative! For example, you may not have ā€œsprinkleā€œ. Donā€™t feel pressured to add the word sprinkled. Would ā€œputā€ be ok instead? It gets the same meaning across)

If you are a person who uses a switch you can easily turn the pages of the powerpoint by mapping your switches to the space bar. Read here for some more information (thanks to SETBC for that information!)

A big thanks to News2You/SymbolStix for allowing us to use their symbols in this resource.