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Screenshot of: Punjabi Communication Charts

Punjabi Communication Charts

Last updated: 01/07/2024

The resource contains the following: Numbers Alphabet Days of the week Months of the year Clock Pictorial aids of nouns/verbs for further communication: How am I feeling? Personal Care Comfort Can I have…?




Does this vocabulary cost to access?

One-off cost



Translation Method

‘Fluent’ speaker of the language(s) who has a language based profession e.g. Speech & Language Therapist, Linguist, Language Teacher or similar e.g. a Polish vocabulary that has been created by a fluent Polish speaker who is also a Speech & Language Therapist would meet this criteria


Speech Therapy Interactive

Software Required



Does the package support code switching (speaking two or more languages within one sentence/message bar)?


Can the user switch between languages while staying in the vocabulary package? (E.g via a link on the home page or tool bar etc)


When the vocabulary was created what features of the language were considered?

This resource provides access to language commonly needed in hospital/care situations to allow healthcare professionals to communicate and understand patients who can read Punjabi in moments when an interpreter is not available.

Is it a Text-only or Symbol + Text vocabulary?

Symbol + Text

Symbol + Text

Are there written labels on the cells as well as symbols?


Is it possible to have two labels on the cell with the symbol?


Is it possible to have symbol-only page sets? (i.e no written labels)


Is there a keyboard available?


What keyboards are available?

Keyboard in just the language(s) of the vocabulary (e.g. an Urdu vocabulary has only an Urdu keyboard)

Is there a search function/word finder?


Can you change the skin tone of symbols?


Can the vocabulary content be personalised for the individual?


What level of language ability does this package support? (pick the best fit category)

One word or prestored message at a time (this could include a prestored message that says “I need a drink” but would not offer the flexibility to change the message to “I need juice”) Combining sentence starters with endings (this could be e.g. a Food page that has some sentence starters, “I want to eat…” “I don’t like…” and a word bank to complete the sentence)

What topics of conversation does the system support? (choose the best fit category)

Basic needs only

Is there a translation function available?


Resources available in Panjabi


Answering common queries and concerns.