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Communication Works 2024 

They say the third time is a charm …. and Ace Centre is delighted to be partnering with CENMAC for a third year to bring you what will be the best Communication Works yet!

Communication Works 2024 are free events, one taking place in London run by CENMAC and another in Oldham organised by Ace Centre. They aim to allow visitors to learn about a range of assistive and accessible technology, communication tools, digital strategies and person-centred approaches.

 The seminar programmes (tbc) will offer the sharing of best practices and implementation ideas when supporting learners using assistive technology. The exhibition spaces will provide an opportunity for visitors to get hands-on with the latest products and innovations as they meet with new and established suppliers.

Here are some highlights from Communication Works 2023 or click here for a blog post

More information will be available soon so watch this space or follow us on Twitter  Facebook or Instagram as we use #CW2024 to spread the word.

Who should attend?  

School and health SEND teams including teachers, SENDcos, teaching assistants, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, QTVIs, educational psychologists, parents and carers, AAC and AT users

Guest Speaker | Mary Lavender

We are delighted to welcome Mary Lavender as our special guest speaker to Communication Works 2024!

Mary is an advocate who is passionate about disability inclusion, accessibility and creating a culture where disabled people can thrive.

She works with children and young people as a Speech and Language Therapist for an NHS Trust Community Team for Learning Disability. She has held leadership roles for AAC and sees the benefits of AAC and Assistive Technology every day.

Mary is disabled (autistic and limb difference) and is the chair of her NHS Trust Disabled Staff Network. She advocates for neurodivergent affirming therapy approaches and the importance of understanding ableism.  She champions the use of assistive technology to help disabled staff and raises awareness of the importance of accessibility to create a more inclusive workplace for both Service Users and staff.


Pretorian Technologies



Jabbla UK


Sensory Guru LTD

Crick Software





Rahana Life

Inclusive Technology

Tobii Dynavox


Communication Matters


If you would like to exhibit please contact us here.

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Communication Works NORTH

Thursday, 23 May 2024

New Bridge Academy, Oldham, OL8 3PH

Register for free here.

Seminar Agenda NORTH

Download the NORTH Agenda here

Communication Works SOUTH

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Charlton Athletic Football Club, London SE7 8BL

Register for free here.