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Communication Works 2023 Highlights


On the 25th of May, Ace Centre, in collaboration with New Bridge Academy, hosted Communication Works 2023 North. A day of celebrating Assistive Technology (AT) saw nearly 200 delegates and suppliers gather together to share experiences, knowledge and new developments in the field of AAC and AT which support people (in the spirit of the day’s theme) to Get Seen.

After a stellar inaugural event held in 2022, the day proved to be even more popular as demand exceeded capacity. Martin Fisher, Ace Centre Business Director stated:

“Without a doubt, Communication Works 2023 was a complete success! It was fantastic to see the Ace Centre, New Bridge and wider community pull together to share and increase knowledge of how Assistive Technology enables all to get seen.  With an increase of 50% on last years’ attendance it is clear there is an appetite and need for this type of event. We are already looking forward to Communication Works 2024!”

The day started with an uplifting opening speech from Beth Moulam, Paralympian, public speaker, social policy graduate and advocate for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) inclusion.  Addressing the theme of “Get Seen” with inspirational words for AT users and those who support them, Beth said:

Getting seen means putting ourselves on show and being brave. Personally, I treat every day as an adventure. This often means getting out of my comfort zone and doing things that feel challenging. But getting seen is not just about us as AAC users putting ourselves out there. It also needs those in our everyday environments to scaffold and support this. Getting seen means all of us being willing to disrupt the status quo. It is also about those around us being willing to take steps to make sure everyone gets seen. It does take time, but when you act, we see you as our biggest supporters. ” 

She also added “Communication Works is a brilliant event. The theme is spot on. Getting seen means we learn and thrive. Instead of just existing, just like in nature, we thrive in sunlight.” 

Beth Moulam sitting behind a table presenting her opening speech. There is a power point on display behind her with a picture of a child holding the moon. It says "Get Seen by Beth Moulam We can all fulfill our communication and life potential"
Beth Moulam delivering her speech

We think the feedback from all those who attended sums up our thoughts on Communication Works 2023 North … it was a fantastic event filled with fabulous and informative talks. We want to thank everyone for playing a part in a much loved and great day!

A word cloud filled with words given as feedback from the day. The words much, great, fabulous, fantastic, event, thanks and day are very boldly seen amongst many other words
A word cloud created by attendee feedback

Our highlight reel catches some of the excitement and buzz that was felt throughout the day. You can see it here: Communication Works 2023 North Highlights