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Donor Visit


Our colleagues Karen Bailey, NHS and Local Service Development Manager, and Tina Voizey, Information and Resource Manager, were delighted to welcome Pat Bartle from the Bartle Family Charitable Trust to our South office in Abingdon.

The trust has been supporting Ace Centre since 2001, during this time Pat has made a number of visits. She has met with various colleagues to discuss the charitable services we offer as well as the people we support to see firsthand the impact AAC and AT can make on a persons’ life, education and career.

During last week’s visit, resources which rely on donations to be developed, were looked at and discussed.  Look2Talk, symbol and alphabet charts, as well as, information leaflets on supporting communication for people with aphasia and getting started with AAC and literacy were shared as examples. There was also discussion about our free advice telephone line and twice monthly information appointments and how they support people at the beginning of an AAC or AT journey or with problems that arise along the way.

Pat shared, “It is so encouraging to hear about the new projects and the way you are raising awareness of your charitable operation. I’m sure it must be a real lifeline for parents to realise that they are not alone and that you have so much expertise and amazing resources that can help develop the potential of every child and provide each one with a voice.”

It was a pleasure to share the work we are able to do thanks to donors like the Bartle Family Charitable Trust. We value every contribution made to Ace Centre and welcome support in any shape or size. Please click here to read more about how you can get involved in supporting Ace Centre to continue to deliver support and resources to those who need them.

Pat and Tina sit at a table with Ace Centre resources on it. They look happy to be chatting.
Pat and Tina looking at new and updated resources offered by Ace Centre.