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Two people talking, one using AAC


Independent interdisciplinary assessments to identify appropriate AAC and AT resources

or call our advice line on 0800 080 3115

About our assessments

Our assessment and training team will work with the individual, family and involved professionals to identify and achieve goals to support the development of communication and learning, and facilitate greater independence.

Am I eligible for an NHS England assessment?

To be eligible for the NHS England Specialised AAC Services, a person must:

  • Be resident in England
  • Be registered with a GP practice in England
  • Have a severe/complex communication difficulty associated with a range of physical, cognitive, learning, or sensory deficits
  • Have a clear discrepancy between their level of understanding and their ability to speak
  • Be able to understand the purpose of a communication aid
  • Have developed beyond cause and effect understanding
  • Link ideas/ semantic categories and syntactic functions beyond basic requests.

I am eligible for NHS England funded assessments

Learn more about how the Ace Centre can provide assessment, provision of equipment and long-term equipment maintenance support.

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I’m not eligible for NHS England funded assessments

Learn about the Ace Centre's partnership approach to assessment, identifying need, ongoing review and provision of support.

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"Ace Centre were amazing, they really helped me communicate and regain my confidence! "

NHS England referral form

Get the latest Specialised AAC Services Referral Form

A client laughing

Information appointments

Meet with our team to discuss your AAC/AT needs