Ace Centre does not run this service, this page is part of a directory of NHS services. To contact this service provider please use the contact details in the box below. Do not contact Ace Centre directly.
Unit 13, Stirling ParkManse LaneBleriot WayClifton MoorYorkYO30 4WU
One way we know your location is because you enter your postcode. We can then use that to figure out where you are. We don't store any postcode or location information that you provide.
Another way we know your location is by asking your web browser. Your web browser knows your location by using GPS on your device or your network connectivity. To access your location we ask your browser for your location and then they will show you a prompt asking you to confirm that its okay to share your location with us. We only access your location when we need it, but if your worried you can use privacy settings to revoke our access to your location.
What can I do if the information is wrong?
We try really hard to keep all of the information we have up to date. However, services change regularly and we are not always kept up to date of changes.
If you let see anything you know let us know by filling out the form below and we can fix it. If you work at one of the services then we appreciate if you could let us know if you update any of your details.