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ATech Policy Lab launched today


Ace Centre CEO Anna Reeves spoke today at the launch event of the ATech Policy Lab. This collaboration with Bournemouth University and Policy Connect is an exciting development in the broader field of Assistive and Accessible Technology – ATech – to complement the achievements and ambitions of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Assistive Technology

Speaking alongside the new Chair of APPGAT, Paul Maynard MP and Robert McLaren from Policy Connect, Anna shared Ace Centre’s delight at the opportunities this will create to place ATech at the heart of policy making in the future.  The launch event was addressed by the Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, Chloe Smith MP.  She shared her ambitions for the future to engage Government Departments to take responsibility for capitalising on opportunities to use ATech to break down barriers and enhance opportunities for disabled children and adults to communicate, learn, work and live independently.

“I am delighted about the opportunities that the ATech Policy Lab will present to place people who need and use Assistive Technology at the heart of Government policies in the future.  This will make a significant difference to everyone we support at Ace Centre and the services we deliver to develop their communication, learning, employment opportunities and independent living.” – Ann Reeves, CEO

The #ATechPolicyLab led by @Policy_Connect @AceCentre @bournemouthuni will bring together disabled people, sector leaders and researchers to get into the detail, incubate new ideas and generate the evidence and insight that moves policymakers to action.

Screenshot of a zoom call