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Welcome to our new KTP Associate


We have teamed up with Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) to welcome our Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate to the team! Jack Tallant has been settling into our Oldham office and will be taking on the role of Business Systems Analyst to meet a core strategic need and to identify innovative solutions to help grow our services.

‘Knowledge Transfer Partnerships’ is a UK-wide programme that has been assisting businesses for the past 40 years to improve their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK Knowledge Base.

The partnership allows Ace Centre to benefit from access to the business and health faculty and information at MMU, strengthening our relationship with the University. In return, our KTP Associate will learn about  the Ace Centre as a specialist AAC service for two NHS specialised commissioning regions in England and develop skills and knowledge that can benefit our organisation.

Since, graduating in Psychology and Biology BSc (Hons) Jack has worked in Brain Injury Rehabilitation for 4 Years and is now looking forward to transferring his knowledge of the health care industry to the opportunity of working in data analytics in order to develop Ace Centre’s services in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT).

The KTP opportunity will be innovative in its use of an emerging data set and will apply novel impact metrics – precision medicine is a new approach, not previously applied in this sector. The work will be transformational for the Ace Centre, enabling it to achieve its ambition of becoming recognised as a thought leader in the field, with a diverse and sustainable range of funding streams.